Press > Exclusive Interviews
> Chris .R. Notarile
[Director: Escape From Big Trouble In
Little Jersey & Escape From New Jersey]

What inspired you
to become a filmmaker?
My love for storytelling.
Why did you start Blinky Productions?
That's like asking me why is the sky blue? The creation of Blinky Productions
was just inevitable.
How's life being an independent filmmaker?
It's a seat of your pants experience. Most of the time you are poor and
starving but other times [which are few and far between] are awesome and
What kind of challenges and advantages are there to shoot
on a zero budget?
Advantages, less incompetent people I have to deal with. Disadvantages, can't
afford to do EVERYTHING I envision and have to make more sacrifices.
You've worked on several genres and done homages to
several famous movies and characters. You have even created some yourself. How
would you describe yourself and your movies?
I am Hollywood's best kept secret. They know I exist and should very well be
following my example of loving your source material and remaining faithful, yet
they never hire me. Anonymity is my curse.
Why so many homage's to John Carpenter movies?
I will answer your question with a more important question. Why not?
You seem to have many projects going on. What's next for
Whatever gets funded will get made first.
Do you have any particular dream project you're holding
out for?
Of course. My Halloween remake which will never come to fruition thanks to Rob
Zombie and the Weinsteins. A remake of Maniac Cop. A feature length Catwoman,
Blue Beetle, Street Fighter and Final Fight movie. Those are my dream projects
right now.
When did you see Escape From New York for the first time
and why do you like it so much?
I saw it when around the time Escape From L.A. came out. I saw the
trailers, wanted to know more about Snake [Plissken]
since it was a sequel so I decided to do my homework. I didn't like the movie as
much as I liked the personification of Snake through Kurt [Russell]. I love anti-heroes and how they perceive the law etcetera. And it was the fuck
it all ending that made me like the movie as well as the sequel.
You also directed the fan movie movie Escape Big Trouble
in New Jersey. Why did you want to return to the universe of Snake Plissken?
What did you feel was missing?
Quality. Escape Big Trouble in New Jersey was riddled with poor quality. From the actors portraying Jack
and Snake right down to my incapability to produce something on par with my
previous work. Granted it was 2005 and I hadn't done much prior but I easily
surpassed myself shortly after. All in all it was a bad portfolio piece and
wasn't what I originally intended it to be. So after five years, Hector and I
crossed paths and it all worked out the way it was supposed to.
How has the experience been shooting it and how is Hector
De La Rosa [Snake Plissken] to work with? Do you have the same vision or do you
have disagreements?
We started off with a pretty rocky relationship mainly because he didn't know
what to expect. But after seeing the first two days of filming edited and
exceeding his initial expectations he realized that I just need to do my thing.
He's the actor and I'm the director. Knowing the inner workings of that type of
relationship are crucial when filming anything. Because no matter how many times
you see it in your head you the actor are not behind the camera. And if I say
something looks crappy you can bet your ass it looks crappy. And it's my job as
director to NOT shoot crap.
How many episodes will there be?
Two, three tops.
When will you shoot the next episode and can you give us a
hint what to expect from it?
ASAP [As Soon As Possible]. Hints. Snake's leg gets healed. Kim Santiago
[Donna Kinski] has a new role. And we
introduce two familiar Escape characters. Who are they you ask? Fine, I'll tell
you. Carjack Malone and Texas Mike O'Shay.
Any plans for a DVD release of the series in the future?
If you want a DVD go to my site and donate to get one.
What do you think of Escape From L.A.?
What do you like and dislike about
It was a fun movie.
What's your thoughts about the Escape From New York remake? As a
filmmaker yourself what advice would you give to the makers of it?
My thoughts on remaking Escape From New York? it's not really something you can remake without
ruining what the original already was. My advice to the filmmakers since I know
they're gonna do it anyway whether fans want it or not? DON'T FUCK UP!!!
What's your favorite Snake Plissken moment?
Escape From L.A. when he shuts down the world. Such a dick move yet totally
appropriate given the state of the world at that moment.
How come you spell your
name Chris .R. Notarile and not Chris R. Notarile. Any particular reason for
Yes, there is a reason. Because I can! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!
Is there anything else you'd like to say? Now's your
Go to and be sure to watch my shit and buy my crap!
[Interview Date: 2010/Email]